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A Close-Up Look – RINGANA COMPLETE d-eat

The meal replacement with only 200 kcal

Lisa-Marie Müllner, RINGANA/ Research & Development

Here’s the next instalment of our “A Close-Up Look” series in which we put selected RINGANA products under the microscope. This time we’re looking at COMPLETE d-eat. To find out more, we’ve spoken to our expert for food supplements and functional food, Lisa-Maria Müllner, who explored the subject of healthy weight regulation in depth while the product was being developed.

COMPLETE d-eat is a balanced, flexible, compact and time-saving meal-to-go. It provides the body with a balanced combination of all the essential macronutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, fibre and fats, as well as vitamins and minerals. At the same time, this shake has only 200 kcal.

meal replacement with only 200 kcal
14 Sachets


For whom was COMPLETE d-eat developed?
It is ideal for all adults who want to reduce or maintain their weight. In addition, COMPLETE d-eat is especially convenient as a quickly prepared meal in the office, when you’re out and about, or when travelling. It is also ideal as a functional meal for vegans and athletes who need high levels of all essential nutrients such as protein, Vitamin B12, iron and Omega-3 fatty acids, to name but a few. On top of that, those who often feel sluggish after a meal and want to do their body a favour by eating something lighter, should also try COMPLETE d-eat. See all product information here. See all product information here.

What is special about COMPLETE d-eat
One important development target was to create a ready-to-go, vegan shake with an exceptionally high level of natural ingredients, to which nothing needs to be added except water. It already contains coconut water powder, a rice drink in powder form, as well as citrus fibre and golden linseed. Together they deliver a creamy mouth feel and a pleasant flavour with a delicate hint of coconut, and COMPLETE d-eat is low calorie too!

A real star in this formulation is the innovative source protein from fermented pea and rice protein. Fermentation – achieved with the help of the root system of the shiitake mushroom – helps to make the proteins more digestible, while at the same time refining your shake experience thanks to better solubility and the release of tasty aromas. The formulation also contains honey-coloured chlorella powder which means it offers a broad spectrum of vitamins, minerals and carotenoids, and gives your shake a great, vibrant colour.

In addition, COMPLETE d-eat supplies your body with the perfect balance of both Omega-3 fatty acids from microalgae and linseed oil, and Omega-6 fatty acids from thistle oil.

Overall, the use of natural nutrients, the high density of active substances and the absence of artificial flavours, sweeteners or similar synthetic additives make COMPLETE d-eat unique in the market.


How do I bring in some variety?

COMPLETE d-eat can easily be prepared to suit your
individual taste by simply adding a few ingredients.

See our recipe ideas here.

When using COMPLETE d-eat, what should I bear in mind when losing weight?
A meal replacement for the purpose of weight control can only work as part of a low-calorie diet which must also include other foods. Adequate fluid intake (approx. 2–3 litres of zero-calorie drinks per day), regular physical activity and a healthy lifestyle are equally important. See more details here.

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