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Spotlight on…

Anna Künzel

An idea needs people to turn it into a reality. Although RINGANA products speak for themselves, without our Fresh Partners who are working all over Europe on behalf of freshness, RINGANA could never achieve its unique growth. Once a month, we turn the spotlight on one of our successful Fresh Partners.

Interview with Anna Künzel from Austria



What tip do you always give new Fresh Partners who are just getting started?


With new Partners, I think it’s especially important to make it clear to them that we don’t achieve success overnight. It takes work, patience, time and stamina. That’s why personal contact is very important to me, particularly with my new Partners, to get them safely through the first steps. I tell every new Partner that they can contact me at any time – any day, any time and as often as they want. Personal contact makes a huge difference. We get to know each other better and we build up mutual trust which is an essential part of working together successfully and also for overcoming little downturns together.

Working closely with each other is not only great fun, but also helps new Partners to get working and on the road to success that we are travelling together far faster and with greater confidence.


What tip do you have for successfully making contacts?

HONEST, NON-INTRUSIVE AND ENTHUSIASTIC – that’s my approach when contacting people.

In my opinion, contacting people is one of the most important To Do’s in our business. Offering our brilliant business opportunity to as many people as possible is definitely central for me because I believe that everybody should simply give it a go – maybe it will turn out really well! It’s also important to always remember that you need a certain number of contacts to find people who are interested – because there are still lots of people out there, you just have to find them. Simply contact people continuously, and talk about RINGANA at every opportunity – anything else would be a “failure to render assistance” ;-)! 


What are your daily RINGANA to do’s?

Naturally, daily IGAs (income-generating activities) are essential for success. For me they include contacting people, planning and staging FRESH dates, looking after my customers and, of course, looking after my team. I work with my best friend as my buddy and we love getting creative, and offering our teams and customers as much as possible. That is why in addition to my daily IGAs, we come up with lots of creative ideas for the team and for social media. We put enormous passion into it so it’s fun, but also very time-consuming. There is so much potential in the world of social media and because – as I’ve already mentioned – I’m a very creative and communicative person, I am happy to invest a lot of my time here, and test myself. However, talking to my team on a daily basis is also important to me and it’s one of my top priorities. It may be the case that I am already sending out some news to the team as I drink my morning coffee – and that way I start the day full of motivation.


What does the flexible RINGANA sales model mean for your daily life?

I would say that there is nothing better than waking up every day without an alarm clock, writing your To Do list for the day as you drink a coffee, and organising your work so that it fits in with your life. That is the greatest privilege one can have. I love life, and I really enjoy these advantages. The RINGANA sales model also allows me to build up the sustainable and stable second income that I want, at my own pace. That means I have more time for my friends and family, and for the things that are important to me in life. Since I already have some experience of various professions, I truly appreciate being able to choose my own working hours, as well as the recognition that the company gives me. Because these are things that I have never experienced in any other line of work. All I can say is that with RINGANA, I have chosen what’s right for me.


How do you deal with a no?

Naturally, when we get our first “no’s”, it’s unpleasant. We worry that we’ve been intrusive, or have said the wrong thing. At the outset that is a mindset which, after a fashion, gets in our way. It is perfectly normal and was exactly the same for me. The upside: it’s also a process that we go through and from which we can learn a lot. The more often we get a refusal, the better we get at dealing with it. It is not a no to me as a person, it doesn’t have to be a no forever, and we also get lots of positive refusals over the course of time. Nowadays, if someone says no to me, I always feel sorry for them because I’m thinking to myself: “You’re missing out on a mega opportunity here.” And what’s really important here is your own attitude – don’t ever worry too much about a no – just carry on.


Our sincere congratulations! We are proud to have Fresh Partners like you!

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