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Spotlight on…

Manuel Bernardy

An idea needs people to turn it into a reality. Although RINGANA products speak for themselves, without our Fresh Partners who are working hard all over Europe on behalf of freshness, RINGANA could never have achieved this unique growth. Once a month, we turn the spotlight on one of our successful Fresh Partners.

Interview with Manuel Bernardy from Germany



What was it about RINGANA that captivated you right from the start?

How consistently the philosophy runs like a red thread through the company and the products, and how well thought out it is. That “doing it better” isn’t just an idea but something that is actually achieved every day through diverse innovations and sustainable practices.


What are your daily RINGANA To Do’s?

I sit down every morning and plan my day. That includes at least 30 minutes of IGAs (income-generating activities) and 30 minutes of reading. In addition, I also get an overview of my team almost every day in my RINGANA Online Office; I get in touch with my team and have in-depth conversations with them. My upline also supplies me with information excellently and gives me support. I briefly get in touch with my upline virtually every day as well.


What is your ultimate secret of success with RINGANA?

Don’t overthink things, just get going! First I decide that I’m going to do something, then I think about how I’m going to achieve it. Most people start thinking about the “how” and never get started. Instead of standing at the foot of a mountain, being terrified by how high it is, you work your way up to the top step by step.

What tip can you offer for successfully building contacts?

Start a conversation and make sure it never stops. To do that, I write down something about every contact so if the conversation starts to “dry up”, I check my reminders and then maybe ask the person what their last holiday was like. I even stay in touch with contacts who have no interest in the business or the products. Often enough, quite some time will pass and then out of the blue they’ll say: Remember you told me about those fantastic CAPS? Can you order some for me?


What tip do you always give new Fresh Partners who are just getting started?

It’s better to invest 30 minutes every day in your business than 4 hours in a single day per week. Consistently doing something every day keeps you in the flow and within a short space of time it becomes part of your daily routine.


Our sincere congratulations! We are proud to have Fresh Partners like you!

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