
Still seeing everything clearly?

How to optimally boost your eye well-being

Our eyes are under pressure every day from many different sources: hours of working in front of screens, followed by leisure activities on smartphones, environmental pollution, and the natural ageing process. At the same time, the well-being of our eyes and our vision plays a crucial role in our quality of life. Which is why we really need to give our eyes the attention they need and take good care of them. Find out here how to do that fast and effectively:


Use powerful substances every day to give your eyes a boost

Although Vitamin C is known as a powerful antioxidant, its importance with regard to eye well-being is often overlooked. Thanks to its impressive antioxidant potential, Vitamin C can help to neutralise free radicals in our bodies, and increase protection against oxidative stress. When it comes to the eyes, it most notably provides optimal protection from free radicals for the retina which, with its light-sensitive pigments, is particularly vulnerable to stress. At the same time, the cornea and the lens can also benefit from Vitamin C’s antioxidant properties.

That’s why the formulation of our CAPS protect relies on a high level of Vitamin C from the acerola cherry, offering active support in protecting cells against oxidative stress. This essential micronutrient is given further support with anthocyanin-rich blueberry extract which relieves tired, stressed eyes, along with a high level of zinc that contributes to maintaining healthy vision.

The addition of lutein and zeaxanthin, substances from tagetes (marigold) extract, rounds off the powerful formulation of CAPS protect. These carotenoids are highly concentrated in the macula, the area where vision is sharpest, and help to protect the retina from harmful blue light. External studies have shown the positive effect with regard to maintaining healthy vision and reducing signs of eye fatigue.  


Treat yourself to some eye training

You can perform lots of simple but effective eye exercises anywhere and quickly. Here are our best eye fitness exercises:

Exercise 1

Sit comfortably and rub your hands together to warm them up. Then close your eyes and gently place your palms over them without pressing. Breathe in deeply and concentrate on the darkness you see. This exercise allows your eyes to relax and free themselves from visual stress.

Exercise 2

Try to blink as often as possible, and ensure that your eyelids close completely each time. This allows you to optimally regulate the moisture in your eyes, and will help to reduce possible signs of fatigue.

Exercise 3

Another common exercise is eye-rolling. This helps to relax the eye muscles and can develop its full potential if combined with breathing exercises. What do you have to do? First roll your eyes in a clockwise direction, and then anticlockwise. While doing this, breathe slowly and evenly. Any stress will quickly dissipate, and your eyes will be fresh and relaxed again.


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