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Predefined RINGANA FRESH skin care sets

It is very important to us that our customers can optimally adapt their RINGANA fresh cosmetics to their individual skin needs, we offer therefore a selection of predefined FRESH skin care sets.

In view of countless possible combinations, which simply cannot be illustrated clearly enough for our customers in our online shop, we have defined the following 10 FRESH skin care sets – which correspond to the most popular combinations.

In short: with the 3 standard sets (light/medium/rich), it is possible to choose either an alternative FRESH tonic (calm/pure) OR an alternative FRESH serum (hydro/anti wrinkle). With the FRESH skin care set nourishing no exchange products are possible.

IMPORTANT: Beyond these predefined sets, it is not possible to exchange further products. If other combinations are desired, the products are available as individual products and no set discount will be granted. We kindly ask you not to make any comments in the comment section, as these will not be taken into account.

FRESH skin care set light  (Matchcode: BP1)
FRESH cleanser, FRESH tonic pure, FRESH hydro serum, FRESH cream light + RINGANA towel medium

FRESH skin care set light – alternative serum (Matchcode: BP1-BSA)
FRESH cleanser, FRESH tonic pure, FRESH anti wrinkle serum, FRESH cream light + RINGANA towel medium

FRESH skin care set light – alternative tonic (Matchcode: BP1-BGL)
FRESH cleanser, FRESH tonic calm, FRESH hydro serum, FRESH cream light + RINGANA towel medium

FRESH skin care set medium (Matchcode: BP2)
FRESH cleanser, FRESH tonic pure, FRESH hydro serum, FRESH cream medium + RINGANA towel medium

FRESH skin care set medium – alternative serum (Matchcode: BP2-BSA)
FRESH cleanser, FRESH tonic pure, FRESH anti wrinkle serum, FRESH cream medium + RINGANA towel medium

FRESH skin care set medium – alternative tonic (Matchcode: BP2-BGL)
FRESH cleanser, FRESH tonic calm, FRESH hydro serum, FRESH cream medium + RINGANA towel medium

FRESH skin care set rich (Matchcode: BP3)
FRESH cleanser, FRESH tonic calm, FRESH anti wrinkle serum, FRESH cream rich + RINGANA towel medium

FRESH skin care set rich – alternative serum (Matchcode: BP3-BHS)
FRESH cleanser, FRESH tonic calm, FRESH hydro serum, FRESH cream rich + RINGANA towel medium

FRESH skin care set rich – alternative tonic (Matchcode: BP3-BGS)
FRESH cleanser, FRESH tonic pure, FRESH anti wrinkle serum, FRESH cream rich + RINGANA towel medium

FRESH skin care set nourishing (Matchcode: IP3)
FRESH cleanser, FRESH tonic calm FRESH anti wrinkle serum, FRESH lipids, FRESH cream rich + RINGANA towel medium

Combining together in a set?
An automatic check is carried out during the ordering process so that you can benefit from these set offers in any case. If you add all individual items belonging to a set to your shopping cart, you will automatically be asked whether you want to combine them into a discounted set.

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