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Visionboost 2020 – Part 2

Lucky number 7

Every Fresh Partner who reached Target Level 7 or higher at least once with their May 2020 invoice qualifies as a Booster, so they are part of the programme.*


VIP Treatment

You wouldn’t believe how much we’re looking forward to staging live events again – which is why we’ve come up with something really special: the 10 best Boosters and their teams will qualify for exclusive VIP treatment at a 2021 RINGANA event of their choice inclusive of an overnight stay in an exclusive hotel. Because exceptional achievements deserve recognition and should be celebrated in fitting style.*

Online Masterclasses
for Boosters and Climbers

In addition to that, we’re planning not one but two exclusive Visionboost 2020 Online Masterclasses at which you will learn from illustrious speakers and coaches. Every Booster will automatically take part in the first Online Masterclass in September. But that’s not all – because at the beginning of 2021 there will be a further Online Masterclass for the 200 best Climbers and all Boosters.

You’re a Booster – and now what?

Between 16.06.2020 and 01.07.2020 all Fresh Partners who have qualified as a Booster will nominate 10 people from their downline as Climbers, to comprise their Visionboost 2020 team. Team members who are participating at the Summit themselves and their downline may not be nominated. We’ll be providing you with a list of all the Partners you can choose for your team as Climbers on in Summits “Visionboost 2020”. No changes can be made once a Climber has been registered. All Climbers who have been registered up to and including 01.07.2020 will count in the evaluation. After that, no further nominations will be possible.


booster package

At the beginning of June, each Booster will receive a package with 10 Climber cards, 10 Climber buttons and a Booster button. They are to be distributed by the Boosters to their team of Climbers. Target Level planning can be recorded on the cards with the Booster’s help. That makes it binding and strengthens team spirit.

In keeping with our motto for the year –  “Mentoring – We rise by lifting others” – the Boosters work and grow together with their teams.


Points evaluation:

The Booster receives points for the Target Levels reached by the Climbers. A month will be used for the base Target Level. Per statement, points are awarded for Target Level development in comparison with the base month as well as with the previous month. These may be both plus points and minus points. An expansion bonus will be awarded for the following countries: UK/FR/PL/PT/CZ/SK. Points awarded are multiplied by 1.2. The evaluation for the Summit will be displayed on from 11.08.2020 and will be updated on the 11th of every month. Statements from July 2020 up to November 2020 inclusive will be evaluated.


Example 1

Base month: Target Level 1

Month 1:  Target Level 2

Month 2: Target Level 3

Month 3: Target Level 4

Points calculation Month 1:
Comparison with base month: +2 = 2

Comparison with previous month: +2= 2

Points calculation Month 2:
Comparison with base month: +2+3 = 5

Comparison with previous month: +3 = 3

Points calculation Month 3:
Comparison with base month: +2+3+4 = 9

Comparison with previous month: +4 = 4

Example 2

Base month: Target Level 5

Month 1: Target Level 3

Month 2: Target Level 4

Month 3: Target Level 5

Points calculation Month 1:
Comparison with base month: -5-4 = -9

Comparison with previous month: -5-4 = -9

Points calculation Month 2:
Comparison with base month: -5 = -5

Comparison with previous month: +4 = +4

Points calculation Month 3:
Comparison with base month: +/- 0 = -0

Comparison with previous month: +5 = 5


* One person per account and Partner number, irrespective of whether Booster or Climber, is eligible to participate in all programme items. 

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